Brian Zoberg and Suncoast Business Consultants are now licensed in Georgia and offer the same business and commercial real estate brokerage services currently available throughout the entire state of Florida.

We  also collaborate with other real estate agents and brokers without the required real estate license who have opportunities to sell businesses and commercial properties in Georgia. Our confidential marketing program provides “world-wide” exposure via paid subscriptions to numerous platforms, access to our extensive list of previous buyers, and our direct mail and email campaigns.

We sell businesses in all industries and price ranges and have successfully closed many transactions. (Examples of closed deals).

Some areas that we specialize in are;

  • Contractor businesses such as landscaping, tree trimming, irrigation, commercial cleaning, demolition, security guard services, property management for HOAs and Condo associations, roofing, painting, HVAC, plumbing, septic, and electrical.
  • Pharmacies and medical practices.
  • Manufacturing, distribution and contract packaging.
  • Marine related industries.
  • Mobile Home and RV Parks.
  • Niche legacy businesses.
  • Recycling and waste management centers.
  • Resale franchises.
  • Marine and auto Salvage yards.
  • Self storage facilities.
  • Businesses with real estate that are “grandfathered-in” at a specific location and where permits for new ventures are no longer issued in the area.

**Suncoast Business Consultants offers generous referral fees when allowed by law.

There are certain other states where we can represent you to get your business “SOLD” confidentially quickly to a qualified buyer.

Call or Email for more information.

Brian Zoberg, CBB
Licensed Real Estate Broker
305.301.2443 /